Cover image for Revolting librarians redux : radical librarians speak out
Revolting librarians redux : radical librarians speak out
Roberto, K. R. (Keller R.), 1975-

West, Jessamyn, 1968-
Publication Information:
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co., c2003.
Physical Description:
ix, 219 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
General Note:
Includes index.
Don't blame us, or, we like you all in different ways / Katia Roberto and Jessamyn West -- Revolting librarians rides again / Celeste West -- Still revolting after all these years : words from the original revolters / Elizabeth Katz ... [et al.] -- Library school is revolting -- Getting the letters : library school redux / Moe Giust -- Accreditation : what's all the fuss? / A. Librarian -- Food for thought / Alison Bechdel -- Why Mo is going to library school / Alison Bechdel -- What I really learned in library school / Karen Elliott -- What library schools still aren't teaching us / Jess Nevins -- Sex, drugs, and will you please be quiet : our revolting jobs -- Labia lumps, chunky discharge, and other things I didn't learn in library school / Barbara Bourrier-Lacroix -- The other side of a balanced collection / W. Beauchamp -- Failures in neo-corporatism : a random walk through a university library / Tracy Brennan -- Taking a stand / Daniel C. Tsang -- Are we so progressive? : the value of professional children's librarianship / Diana Brawley Sussman -- I was a teenage anarcho-terrorist / Piers Denton -- Creatively revolting self-expression -- The growing web of catastrophe : the story of a mad librarian / Keith Buckley -- Young Somali women in the library / Diana Brawley Sussman -- Personas non gratas, or, An archivist's classifcation of problem patrons / Katharine Salzmann -- Another day in the life of reference librarian / Cathy and Jennifer Camper -- Weather report : hale and drivel, or, Matt Hale visits my library -- Biblioloteca -- A librarian's suicide note / C.M. Stupegia -- Song of the reference librarian / Erica Olsen -- Our revolting issues -- Radicals defending tradition : an appeal to the baby boom generation / Rory Litwin -- Old maids and fairies : the image problem / Polly Thistlethwaite -- Library ethics and the problem with patriotism / Emily-Jane Dawson -- In the stacks and in the sack : an undercover look at librarians and erotica / Cindy Indiana -- Librarians! into the workers' corner! / Bruce Jensen -- My life as a librarian exposed! : personal web sites and the librarian -- Stereotypes / Chris Zammarelli -- Revolting vocabulary : mental health and language in revolting librarians / Karen Antell -- Silencing Sandy : the censoring of library's foremost activist / Naomi Eichenlaub -- Libraries to the people, redux / Chris Dodge -- Libraries : it's a good thing / Jennifer Young -- Pioneering progressive library discourse / Toni Samek -- Check out those buns, or, What do you say to a male librarian? / Owen Massey -- Status quo revolution : language to silence dissent in librarianship / Taralee Alcock -- Day to revolting day : our stories -- What do radical librarians do? or, Which way to the black bloc? / Chuck Munson -- Maimonides in the stacks, or, Digitize this! / George Lederer -- Diary of a revolting librarian / Patricia Threatt -- Library service to the insane / Cathy Camper -- The lost language of libraries / Pam North -- Damage noted : journal of a public librarian / Kate Pohjola -- High calling/low salary / Jenna Freedman -- Being a cataloger is better than gutting fish for a living because ... / Catherine Clements -- Unclassifable -- Astrology and library job correlation / Dean Hendrix and Michelle Wilde -- Why "Librarian : the musical" is doomed before it starts / David M. Pimentel -- Hey, book wranglers! / Cathy Camper -- Stuck between a rock and another rock : job title worries / Dan Cherubin) -- A bit more than a year of library reading : a revolting bibliography / Jessamyn West.


Item Barcode
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Shelf Number
39292004210759 Book 020.01/REV

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