Cover image for Rethinking learning for a digital age : how learners are shaping their own experiences
Rethinking learning for a digital age : how learners are shaping their own experiences
Sharpe, Rhona, 1969-

Beetham, Helen, 1967-

Freitas, Sara de

Publication Information:
New York : Routledge, 2010.
Physical Description:
xxi, 231 p. ; 24 cm.
The influence of pervasive and integrative tools on learners' experiences and expectations of study / Sara de Freitas and Gráinne Conole -- Social networking: key messages from the research / Keri Facer and Neil Selwyn -- Managing study and life with technology / Linda Creanor and Kathryn Trinder -- Constructs that impact the net generation's satisfaction with online learning / Charles Dziuban ... [et al.] -- Provisionality, play, and pluralism in liminal spaces / Maggi Savin-Baden and Cathy Tombs -- Understanding students' uses of technology for learning: towards creative appropriation / Rhona Sharpe and Helen Beetham -- Expanding conceptions of study, context and educational design / Peter Goodyear and Robert A. Ellis -- How learners change: critical moments, changing minds / Judy Hardy and Amanda Jefferies -- Learning with a different ear: understanding disabled students' relationship with technologies / Jane Seale and Nick Bishop -- Strengthening and weakening boundaries: students negotiating technology mediated learning / Laura Czerniewicz and Cheryl Brown -- The changing practices of knowledge and learning / Helen Beetham and Martin Oliver -- Analysing digital literacy in action: a case study of a problem orientated learning process / Thomas Ryberg and Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld -- Collaborative knowledge building / Greg Benfield and Maarten de Laat -- "But it's not just developing like a learner, it's developing as a person": reflections on e-portfolio-based learning / Julie Hughes -- Skills and strategies for e-learning in a participatory culture / Simon Walker, Jill Jameson, and Malcolm Ryan.


Item Barcode
Material Type
Shelf Number
39292004207283 Adult Non-fiction Book 371.334/RET

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