Search Results for Decision making. - Narrowed by: 2010 SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dDecision$002bmaking.$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025092010$0025092010$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300?dt=list 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Decision making and problem solving strategies ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:134104 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Adair, john<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Jabatan<br/>ISBN&#160;9780749455514<br/> Decision making and problem solving strategies ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:135368 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Adair, john<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9780749455514<br/> Decision making and problem solving strategies ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:135932 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Adair, john<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul<br/>ISBN&#160;9780749455514<br/> Accounting for decision making and control ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:182114 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Zimmerman, Jerold L., 1947-<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071289641<br/> Financial accounting tools for business decision making ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:130703 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Kimmel, Paul&#160;Weygandt, Jerry&#160;Kieso, Donald<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780470413357<br/> Financial accounting tools for business decision making ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132984 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Kimmel, Paul&#160;Weygandt, Jerry&#160;Kieso, Donald<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9780470413357<br/> The irrational economist : making decision in a dangerous world ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:131439 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781586487805<br/> The irrational economist : making decision in a dangerous world ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132664 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9781586487805<br/> The right decision : a mathematician reveals how the secrets of decision theory can help you make the right decision every time ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:120461 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Stein, James. 1941-<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071614191<br/> The right decision : A mathematician reveals how the secrets of decision theory can help you make the right decision every time ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:123688 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Stein, James. 1941-<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Jabatan<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071614191<br/> Regional andurban GIS : A decision support approach ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:124394 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Nyerges, Timothy L.&#160;Jankowski, Piotr<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781606233368<br/> Creative project management : innovative project options to solve problems on time and under budget ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:135506 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Dobson, Micheal Singer&#160;Leemann, Ted<br/>The seven essential tools for keeping projects on time and under budget You're executing risk management, leadership, and planning--all hallmarks of outstanding project management. And yet you're still having trouble keeping your projects on schedule. Creative Project Management adds two new elements to the mix: creativity and innovation. Internationally renowned project management consultants Michael Dobson and Ted Leemann combine traditional project management skills, such as risk evaluation, decision-making, and human dynamics, with outside-the-box thinking and business creativity. They provide seven new tools and approaches you can apply to any project.<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071739337<br/> The one minute negotiator : simple steps to reach better agreements ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:136068 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Hutson, Don, 1945-&#160;Lucas, George<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9781605095868<br/> The art of choosing ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:136986 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Iyengar, Sheena.<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9780446504102<br/> Positive results : making the best decisions when you're at high risk for breast or ovarian cancer ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:137210 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Morris, Joi L. , 1964-<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9781591027768<br/> The 6 most important decisions you'll ever make : a guide for teens ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:139070 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Covey, Sean<br/>2010&#160;2006<br/>ISBN&#160;9780743265041<br/> Predictable results in unpredictable times: sukses setiap saat ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:143665 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Covey, Stephen R.<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul<br/>ISBN&#160;9789673690275<br/> Dear mr.buffet: what an investor learns 1,269 miles from wall street ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146471 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Tavakoli, Janet M.<br/>2010&#160;2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780470632420<br/> Analytics at work : smarter decisions, better results ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146489 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Davenport, Thomas H. , 1954-&#160;Harris, Jeanne G.&#160;Morison, Robert<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9781422177693<br/> Decide &amp; deliver : 5 steps to breakthrough performance in your organization ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146527 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Blenko, Marcia W.&#160;Mankins, Michael C.&#160;Rogers, Paul, 1958-<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9781422147573<br/> Emotionomics : leveraging emotions for business success ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146797 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Hill, Dan, 1959-<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9780749461898<br/> Obama's wars ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:146959 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Woodward, Bob<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9781849832205<br/> Enforcing human rights in Australia : an evaluation of the new regime ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:168108 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Gaze, Beth&#160;Hunter, Rosemary C.&#160;Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales<br/>Published in association with the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW this major study breaks new ground in exploring the effectiveness and accessibility of procedures for protecting the rights of individuals to equality and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of race, sex and disability. The enforcement of Australian federal anti-discrimination laws has encountered constitutional limitations. Because federal tribunals are unable to make binding decisions, in 2000 enforcement of federal discrimination matters was moved from a tribunal (the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) to the federal courts. The study examines how the move from a specialist tribunal to the federal courts affected enforcement of federal anti-discrimination law. Drawing on statistical data, analysis of reported cases and interviews with parties and their advisors under both the 'old' and 'new' systems, it investigates the impact of the change in terms of: specialist versus generalist decision-making relatively informal versus formal procedures a regime in which each party bears their own costs versus one in which the loser pays the winner's costs The study traces the impact of these changes on the decisions made by complainants about whether (and where) to bring a complaint, whether to settle their cases or proceed to litigation, and on decisions made by respondents about whether to defend or settle a case. The enforcement process in federal discrimination matters was found to erect significant barriers to individuals seeking to pursue their claims in this area.<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781921113048<br/> Rahsia pengurusan Warren Buffett ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:181974 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Buffett, Mary&#160;Clark, David, 1955-&#160;Adlie Syamsudin Samsudin<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9789673690503<br/> Management : it's not what you think! ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:172599 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Mintzberg, Henry.&#160;Lampel, Joseph.&#160;Ahlstrand, Bruce W.<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9780273719670<br/> The upside of irrationality : the unexpected benefits of defying logic at work and at home ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:173677 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Ariely, Dan<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul<br/>ISBN&#160;9780007431816<br/> The persuasive leader : lessons from the arts ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:147126 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Carroll, Stephen J.<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780470688281<br/> Stages of senior care : your step-by-step guide to making the best decisions ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:148205 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Hogan, Paul., 1962-&#160;Hogan, Lori<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071621090<br/> If stones could speak : unlocking the secrets of stonehenge ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:212057 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z 2025-03-19T16:19:11Z Aronson, Marc&#160;Parker Pearson, Michael, 1957-&#160;Stonehenge Riverside Project (England)<br/>Explores the mysterious monument of Stonehenge and reveals some of its secrets and history.<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9781426305993<br/>