Search Results for Equality -- United States SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dEquality$002b--$002bUnited$002bStates$0026ps$003d300? 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hustle &amp; Float : Reclaim Your Creativity And Thrive In A World Obsessed With Work ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:276394 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Harfoush, Rahaf<br/>2019<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Lembah Pantai&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Setiawangsa&#160;Perpustakaan Medan Idaman<br/>ISBN&#160;9781635765786<br/> Fair Shot Rethingking Inequality And How We Earn Chris Hughes ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:259375 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Bloomsbury<br/>2018<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9781408899809<br/> The great divide : unequal societies and what we can do about them ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:240354 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Stiglitz, Joseph E, author<br/>2016<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780393352184<br/> Assessing service quality : satisfying the expectations of library customers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:231292 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hernon, Peter&#160;Altman, Ellen.&#160;Dugan, Robert E., 1952-<br/>2015<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9780838913086<br/> The great divide : unequal societies and what we can do about them ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:234018 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Stiglitz, Joseph E.<br/>2015<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780241202906<br/> Betsy Mix Cowles : Champion of Equality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:288038 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Robertson, Stacey M., author.<br/>&quot;Betsy Mix Cowles--a bold reformer whose circle of acquaintances included Frederick Douglass, Abby Kelley, and William Lloyd Garrison--is a brilliant example of what an educated and independent woman can accomplish. A staunch defender of abolitionism, Cowles also took up the cause of women's rights and dedicated her life to the advocacy of women's access to education, equal rights, and independence in the pre-Civil War era. The life of this devoted social reformer illuminates the struggles and historical developments relating to abolitionism and the fledgling women's movement during one of the most contentious periods in American history. About the Lives of American Women series: Selected and edited by renowned women's historian Carol Berkin, these brief biographies are designed for use in undergraduate courses. Rather than a comprehensive approach, each biography focuses instead on a particular aspect of a women's life that is emblematic of her time, or which made her a pivotal figure in the era. The emphasis is on a &quot;good read,&quot; featuring accessible writing and compelling narratives, without sacrificing sound scholarship and academic integrity. Primary sources at the end of each biography reveal the subject's perspective in her own words. Study questions and an annotated bibliography support the student reader&quot;--<br/>2014<br/>Pustaka KL @ Keramat<br/>ISBN&#160;9780813347714<br/> The price of inequality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:208384 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Stiglitz, Joseph E., author.<br/>2013<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780718197384<br/> Standard work for lean healthcare ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:210997 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Jackson, Thomas Lindsay, 1949-<br/>2012<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781439837412<br/> Creative solutions to enhance nursing quality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:140358 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Boxer, Bruce Alan&#160;Goldfarb, Ellen Boxer<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780763781859<br/> Learning in a burning house : educational inequality, ideology, and (dis)integration ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:165061 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Horsford, Sonya Douglass<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN&#160;9780807751770<br/> The highly qualified teacher : what is teacher quality and how do we measure it? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:166981 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Strong, Michael, 1945-<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780807752265<br/> Government program management ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:185864 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Barkley, Bruce, 1939-<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071744485<br/> Reimagining equality : stories of gender, race, and finding home ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:215459 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hill, Anita<br/>&quot;In 1991, Anita Hill's courageous testimony during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings sparked a national conversation on sexual harassment and women's equality in politics and the workplace. Today, she turns her attention to another potent and enduring symbol of economic success and equality-the home. Hill details how the current housing crisis, resulting in the devastation of so many families, so many communities, and even whole cities, imperils every American's ability to achieve the American Dream. Hill takes us on a journey that begins with her own family story and ends with the subprime mortgage meltdown. Along the way, she invites us into homes across America, rural and urban, and introduces us to some extraordinary African American women. As slavery ended, Mollie Elliott, Hill's ancestor, found herself with an infant son and no husband. Yet, she bravely set course to define for generations to come what it meant to be a free person of color. On the eve of the civil rights and women's rights movements, Lorraine Hansberry's childhood experience of her family's fight against racial restrictions in a Chicago neighborhood ended tragically for the Hansberry family. Yet, that episode shaped Lorraine's hopeful account of early suburban integration in her iconic American drama A Raisin in the Sun. Two decades later, Marla, a divorced mother, endeavors to keep her children safe from a growing gang presence in 1980s Los Angeles. Her story sheds light on the fears and anxiety countless parents faced during an era of growing neighborhood isolation, and that continue today. In the midst of the 2008 recession, hairdresser Anjanette Booker's dogged determination to keep her Baltimore home and her salon reflects a commitment to her own independence and to her community's economic and social viability. Finally, Hill shares her own journey to a place and a state of being at home that brought her from her roots in rural Oklahoma to suburban Boston, Massachusetts, and connects her own search for home with that of women and men set adrift during the foreclosure crisis. The ability to secure a place that provides access to every opportunity our country has to offer is central to the American Dream. To achieve that ideal, Hill argues, we and our leaders must engage in a new conversation about what it takes to be at home in America. Pointing out that the inclusive democracy our Constitution promises is bigger than the current debate about legal rights, she presents concrete proposals that encourage us to reimagine equality. Hill offers a twenty-first-century vision of America-not a vision of migration, but one of roots; not one simply of tolerance, but one of belonging; not just of rights, but also of community-a community of equals&quot;--Provided by publisher.<br/>2011<br/>ISBN&#160;9780807014431<br/> Profit at the bottom of the ladder : creating value by investing in your workforce ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132756 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Heymann, Jody 1959-&#160;Barerra, Magda<br/>2010<br/>ISBN&#160;9781422123119<br/> Professional nursing concepts : competencies for quality leadership ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:142107 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Finkelman, Anita Ward&#160;Kenner, Carole<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780763754129<br/> Assessing service quality : satisfying the expectations of library customers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:187304 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hernon, Peter.&#160;Altman, Ellen<br/>2010<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780838910214<br/> Lean hospitals : improving quality, patient safety, and employee satisfaction ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:115099 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Graban, Mark<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781420083804<br/> Transformative quality : the emerging revolution in health care performence ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:115172 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hagland, Mark<br/>2009<br/>ISBN&#160;9781420084924<br/> Delivering satisfaction and service quality : a customer-based approach for libraries ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:116871 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hernon, Peter&#160;Whitman, John R.<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9788184082425<br/> The quality library : a guide to staff-driven improvement, better efficiency and happier customers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:116873 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Laughlin, Sara&#160;Wilson , Ray W.<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9788184082463<br/> Academic literacy for English learners : High-quality instructions across content areas ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:120957 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Brock, Cynthia&#160;Lapp, Diane&#160;Salas, Rachel&#160;Townsend, Dianna<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780807750094<br/> The ordeal of equality : did federal regulation fix the schools? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:130088 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Cohen, David K. 1934-<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780674035461<br/> Desingning care : Aligning the nature and management of health care ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:130581 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Bohmer, Richard M. J.<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781422175606<br/> The ordeal of equality : did federal regulation fix the schools? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132454 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Cohen, David K. 1934-<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul<br/>ISBN&#160;9780674035461<br/> The ordeal of equality : did federal regulation fix the schools? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132545 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Cohen, David K. 1934-<br/>2009<br/>ISBN&#160;9780674035461<br/> The ordeal of equality : did federal regulation fix the schools? ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:132582 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Cohen, David K. 1934-<br/>2009<br/>Perpustakaan Jabatan<br/>ISBN&#160;9780674035461<br/> The quality library : A guide to staff-driven improvement, better efficiency, and happier customers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:100423 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Laughlin, Sara 1949-&#160;Wilson, Ray W.<br/>2008<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780838909522<br/> CEO of me : Creating a life that works in the flexible job age ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:104138 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Kossek, Ellen Ernst&#160;Lautsch, Brenda A. 1967-<br/>2008<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul<br/>ISBN&#160;9780132349994<br/> Sewn product quality : A management perspective ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:104306 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Kincade, Doris H. 1971-<br/>2008<br/>ISBN&#160;9780131886476<br/> Sewn product quality : a management perspective ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:123310 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Kincade, Doris H. 1971-<br/>2008<br/>ISBN&#160;9780131886476<br/> The big squeeze : tough times for the American worker ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:106472 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Greenhouse , Steven<br/>2008<br/>ISBN&#160;9781400044894<br/> The big squeeze : Tough times for the American worker ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:111724 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Greenhouse , Steven<br/>2008<br/>ISBN&#160;9781400044894<br/> The big squeeze : Tough times for the American worker ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:112279 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Greenhouse , Steven<br/>2008<br/>ISBN&#160;9781400044894<br/> Assessing students with special needs to produce quality outcomes ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:172580 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Layton, Carol A.&#160;Lock, Robin H. (Robin Hartman)<br/>2008<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780135131596<br/> Improving healthcare quality and cost with six sigma ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:104149 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Pexton, Carolyn&#160;Harrington, H. James&#160;Gupta, Praveen<br/>2007<br/>ISBN&#160;9780131741713<br/> From the bottom up: one man's crusade to clean American's rivers ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:109943 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Pregracke, Chad 1974-&#160;Barrow, Jeff 1956<br/>2007<br/>ISBN&#160;9781426201004<br/> Improving the quality library services for students with disabilities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:77799 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hernon, Peter&#160;Calvert, Philip.<br/>2006<br/>ISBN&#160;9781591583004<br/> Water- quality trading : a guide for the wastewater community ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:77907 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Jones, CY&#160;Water Environment Federation<br/>2006<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071464185<br/> The 7 secrets to successful apartment leasing : find quality renters, fill vacancies, and maximize your rental income ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:78213 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Cumley, Eric.<br/>2006<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071462587<br/> Creating &amp; recognizing quality rubrics ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:104158 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Arter, Judith&#160;Chappuis<br/>2006<br/>ISBN&#160;9780135134207<br/> Creating &amp; recognizing quality rubrics ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:110587 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Arter, Judith&#160;Chappuis<br/>2006<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780135134207<br/> Trading up : Why cunsumers want new luxury goods and how companies create them ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:61172 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Silverstein, Michael J.<br/>2005<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781591840800<br/> Church supper : 722 favourite recipes from our church communities ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:108120 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2005<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Bandar Baru Sentul&#160;Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781579124533<br/> Architect of quality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:31733 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Juran, Joseph M. Dr.<br/>2004<br/>ISBN&#160;9780071426107<br/> Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and America's struggle for equality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:107892 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Kluger, Richard<br/>2004&#160;1977&#160;1975<br/>ISBN&#160;9781400030613<br/> Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's struggle for equality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:109776 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Kluger, Richard<br/>2004<br/>ISBN&#160;9781400030613<br/> teaching for lifetime physical activity through quality high school physical education ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:22948 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hastic, Peter<br/>2003<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780205343546<br/> Social problems &amp; the quality of life ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:8067 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Lauer, Robert H.&#160;Lauer, Jeanette C.<br/>2002<br/>ISBN&#160;9780072355222<br/> The future of success ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:10174 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Reich, Robert B.<br/>2002<br/>ISBN&#160;9780099429067<br/> Instruments for climate policy ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:16276 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2002<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781840647594<br/> Affluenza : The all-consuming epidemic ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:21436 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z De Graaf, John&#160;Wann, David&#160;Naylor, Thomas H.<br/>2002<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9781576751992<br/> Schools of quality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:30754 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Bonstingl, John Jay<br/>2001<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780761978558<br/> Schooling and equality : Fact, concent and policy ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:37521 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2001<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Setiawangsa<br/>ISBN&#160;9780749433697<br/> Teenage sexuality : Opposing viewpoints ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:19497 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2001<br/>ISBN&#160;9780737705249<br/> Delivering satisfaction and service quality : a customer-based approach for libraries ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:100692 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Hernon, Peter&#160;Whitman, John R.<br/>2001<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780838907894<br/> The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award : a yardstick for quality growth ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:159401 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Heaphy, Maureen S.&#160;Gruska, Gregory F.<br/>1995<br/>ISBN&#160;9780201633689<br/> Voice and equality : civic voluntarism in American politics ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:184534 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Verba, Sidney&#160;Schlozman, Kay Lehman, 1946-&#160;Brady, Henry E.<br/>1995<br/>ISBN&#160;9780674942936<br/> Back on the quality track : how organizations derailed and recovered ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:151838 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Huddleston, Kathryn<br/>1995<br/>ISBN&#160;9780814402825<br/> Total quality management in libraries : a sourcebook ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:339 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z O' Neil, Rosanna M.<br/>1994<br/>ISBN&#160;9781563082474<br/> For intrepreneurs only : succes strategies for anyone starting or growing a business ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:115428 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Harrell, Wilson<br/>1994<br/>ISBN&#160;9789839214116<br/> Improving workforce basic skills : the foundation for quality ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:151331 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z Moore, Larry<br/>1992<br/>ISBN&#160;9780527916626<br/> Total quality: An executive's guide for the 1990s ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:150978 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 2025-03-28T12:20:11Z 1990<br/>ISBN&#160;9781556233647<br/>