Search Results for Hutchison, Thomas W. (Thomas William) SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dHutchison$00252C$002bThomas$002bW.$002b$002528Thomas$002bWilliam$002529$0026ps$003d300? 2025-03-29T01:05:08Z Web marketing for the music business ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:202458 2025-03-29T01:05:08Z 2025-03-29T01:05:08Z Hutchison, Thomas W. (Thomas William)<br/>2013<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN&#160;9780240823706<br/> The music business and recording industry : delivering music in the 21st century ent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:147449 2025-03-29T01:05:08Z 2025-03-29T01:05:08Z Hull, Geoffrey P.&#160;Hutchison, Thomas W. (Thomas William)&#160;Strasser, Richard, 1966-&#160;Hull, Geoffrey P. Recording industry<br/>A brief but comprehensive examination of how records are made, marketed, and sold. This new edition takes into account the massive changes in the recording industry occurring today due to the revolution of music on the web.<br/>2011<br/>ISBN&#160;9780415875615<br/>