Search Results for Index mutual funds.SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dIndex$002bmutual$002bfunds.$0026ps$003d300?2025-03-24T03:59:11ZThe Financial Times guide to exchange traded funds and index funds : how to use tracker funds in your investment portfolioent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:2190932025-03-24T03:59:11Z2025-03-24T03:59:11ZStevenson, David.<br/>2012<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN 9780273769408<br/>The exchange-traded funds manualent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1473062025-03-24T03:59:11Z2025-03-24T03:59:11ZGastineau, Gary L.<br/>"Full coverage of ETF investments from an expert in the field The initial edition of Gary Gastineau's The Exchange-Traded Fund Manual was one of the first books to describe and analyze ETFs. It made the case for the superiority of the structure of investor-friendly ETFs over mutual funds and helped investors select better funds among the ETFs available. With this new edition, Gastineau provides comprehensive information on the latest developments in ETF structures, new portfolio variety, and new trading methods. With a realistic evaluation of today's indexes, Gastineau offers insights on actively managed ETFs, improved index funds, and fund and advisor selection. Discusses how to incorporate ETFs into an investment plan. Offers updated coverage of new ETFs, including full-function actively managed ETFs, and a valuable chapter on trading ETFs. Written by the leading authority on exchange traded funds. Exchange-traded funds offer you diversification and participation in markets and investment strategies that have not been available to most investors. If you want to understand how to use ETFs effectively, the Second Edition of The Exchanged-Traded Fund Manual can show you how."--<br/>2010<br/>ISBN 9780470482339<br/>The little book of common sense investing : the only way to guarantee your fair share of market returnsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1059192025-03-24T03:59:11Z2025-03-24T03:59:11ZBogle, John C.<br/>2007<br/>ISBN 9780470102107<br/>All about index fundsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:214082025-03-24T03:59:11Z2025-03-24T03:59:11ZFerri, Richard A.<br/>2002<br/>ISBN 9780071387057<br/>