Search Results for John Storey - Narrowed by: 2011SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dJohn$002bStorey$0026qf$003dPUBDATE$002509Publication$002bDate$0025092011$0025092011$0026ic$003dtrue$0026ps$003d300?dt=list2025-03-19T20:58:09ZLeadership in organizations : current issues and key trendsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1916742025-03-19T20:58:09Z2025-03-19T20:58:09ZJohn Storey<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur<br/>ISBN 9780415557054<br/>25 books every Christian should read : a guide to the essential spiritual classicsent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1724782025-03-19T20:58:09Z2025-03-19T20:58:09ZRoller, Julia L. Renovaré<br/>"In the Christian life, spiritual formation is hugely influenced by devotional reading. Whether its Augustine's Confessions or C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity, books greatly shape your beliefs and actions. Renovare has long been a proponent of the importance of being well-versed in the spiritual classics. Now they have polled leaders and thinkers in the field to present the twenty five books every Christian must read. These are the books that should be shaping the church, your faith, and your engagement with the world. From timeless classics like Dietrich Bonheoffer's Life Together to contemporary works, 25 BOOKS EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD READ will gather the most important books along with historical background, why they made the cut, how to read them, and an excerpt"--<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Medan Idaman<br/>ISBN 9780060841430<br/>A most dangerous method : the story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielreinent://SD_ILS/0/SD_ILS:1776142025-03-19T20:58:09Z2025-03-19T20:58:09ZKerr, John<br/>2011<br/>Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur, Cawangan Taman Tun Dr Ismail<br/>ISBN 9780307950277<br/>